Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 24 - On The Road Again...

Moab is around the bend...
 Today we traveled almost 300 miles from Glendale to Moab in heavy winds.  Fortunately, there were not too many cars on the road as we were getting blown all over the place - a little nerve-wracking but George held it together.   He is such a safe driver...I have all the faith in the world in his driving.  I was a little disappointed, however, as this is a stretch of highway that I was going to give it a go but not in these winds.

We're staying in Portal RV Resort in Moab which has a new section where you can purchase a lot and rent it out - sorta like a condo for motorhomes.  There are 2 lots where people have built Casitas and they look really nice.  I'll try to take a picture tomorrow.  The lots in the new section are very large concrete pads with a side concrete pad for your toad and beautiful landsaping on all 3 sides. There is a big pond and fountain in the center of the new section.  This is where they put us and one would think - oh great, we have a wonderful view; however, as windy as it is, the water from the fountain blows right onto our picnic table....oh well - we still have our wonderful view - just have to stay inside to enjoy it!  There is a pool and spa here also.. very nice and hope I get to enjoy it before we leave.  The older section has gravel sites but they look pretty level.  We were going to cook on the grill tonight but, because of the wind, I just fixed a big pot of spaghetti and we stayed inside the coach. 

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