Monday, May 4, 2015

Tryinng to outsmart a cat...

We both apparently died last night when we went to bed.  Neither of us woke up until dawn and the bed was very easy to make up as we had not moved all night.  Had a lazy morning...George working on his laptop and me getting the weekend blog caught up on mine.  Suddenly, Anna goes missing - right before our very eyes so, once again, the search is on.  George found her under the sofa.  Little stinker found yet another very small opening where she was able to wedge herself.  I have officially run out of towels to close up all the openings.  Once out, I decided to outsmart her by creating her own little cubbie-hole.  We have a small closet next to the fireplace where I keep my vaccum so I emptied it and coaxed her in.  Nothing doing....she doesn't like it.  I tried opening a bathroom cabinet where towels once lived but she doesn't like that either.  Now wishing we had brought along their kittie condo.  What's a gal to do now?  I'm still plotting...not going to let a cat outsmart me!

NO to the vacuum closet
Anna's new cubbie hole
Isa is tired of playing ball...
Last night, I offered my services to the kids as a housekeeper, launderer, cook, weed puller, bottle washer and expert shopper, but they apparently have everything covered.  However, I noticed that they fixed a frozen pot pie for dinner so I announced that I would cook dinners for them this week.  Stopped at the grocery store on the way home last night and am going to fix a big pot of spaghetti for tonight.....enough so they will have some leftovers. While they eat, I can hold Miss Coraline.  It worked!

Back to the cats....George ended up going to JoAnn and purchased a large block of foam (for $68.00 no less) and is going to attempt to close all the openings and return all the bath towels to me which I will now need to wash.  It just never ends....I surrender.  It's impossible to outsmart a cat.

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